When individuals speak up about their concerns, Duke representatives evaluate the situation and/or perform an investigation. This allows us to confirm verify details, understand multiple perspectives, and allows the respondent to provide their perspective. Duke uses this information to implement corrective actions or remediation. The vignettes that follow are loosely based on actual cases received through Duke’s Speak Up program and/or other investigatory offices. Creative license was taken to protect the identities of those involved. These vignettes demonstrate how Duke takes reported concerns seriously, and the ways those concerns are evaluated and addressed. Every case is unique, so these examples may differ from other seemingly similar situations.

A Well-Intended Survey: Protecting Student Data Privacy
A department plans to survey a group of Duke students to improve student engagement. The department found a vendor (third-party) which allowed the department to participate in a consortium…read more.

The Machine Ate My Results: Is Your Paper Ready for the Spotlight?
A postdoctoral associate (postdoc) in a Principal Investigator’s (PI’s) lab wrote a paper based on research they produced in the PI’s lab under the PI’s supervision and with assistance from other lab members. The postdoc is in a rush…read more.

Blinded by a Dual Interest: Hiring of Relatives
A senior financial analyst is aware of a job in their area that will soon be posted. The job is within their department in their same job function but at a lower level. The senior…read more.

The Two Job Problem: Conflict of Commitment
An administrative staff employee holds a job at another institution performing similar work as in their Duke role. Their supervisor discovers…read more.

Perception and Praise: Favoritism in the Lab
A tenured faculty member with a research team, including an experienced post-doctoral appointee with whom they appeared to have a close friendship. All lab members…read more.

The Absent Mentor: Faculty and a Duty to Be Present to Mentor and to Guide
A tenure track faculty member was appointed to mentor students and post-doctoral appointees, teach courses, conduct research and lead a lab. Post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students were excited…read more.

Reckless Charges and Scant Review: Procurement Card Madcap
A campus department staff has a Procurement card (P card) to use for various department events. They routinely order meals or other items for events. An area administrative director is her…read more.

Work Setting: Respecting Accommodations
An employee in a central office contacted the Speak Up hotline with a concern regarding a requested accommodation. The employee had requested a different seating arrangement at their onsite work location due to their physical condition. The supervisor had…read more.